All of the General Plan’s elements address sustainability in varying ways, several of which are listed below.

  • The Land Use Element includes policies that promote compact, walkable, mixed-use development, infill development and redevelopment, protect open space and agricultural lands, encourage a jobs and housing balance, and ensure a fair and predictable land use planning process.
  • The Circulation Element calls for improved connectivity between neighborhoods, jobs, and services; street design that accommodates all modes of transportation and reduces idling time; reduced parking requirements; and promotes sustainable transportation modes.
  • The Community Design Element considers Chico’s unique characteristics and history, and seeks to create design compatibility for new and infill development and redevelopment.
  • The Downtown Element encourages higher density and intensity of development in the City’s core to enhance economic development and social interaction, and to solidify Downtown as the heart of the community. The Downtown Element supports all modes of transportation with an emphasis on a quality pedestrian environment, promotes civic engagement and community events, and encourages mixed-use buildings.
  • The Economic Development Element includes policies to strengthen the local and regional economy, promote employment opportunities for all segments of the community, and encourage a balanced jobs-to-housing ratio.
  • The Housing Element supports social equity through the promotion of adequate housing for all income levels and age groups, including those with special needs.
  • The Parks, Public Facilities, and Services Element includes goals and policies to make parks and recreation areas accessible to the whole community, to reduce water and energy use on public lands and in municipal facilities, and to protect the environment while providing City services equitably to the community.