Climate Action Plan 2030 & Update

The Climate Action Plan was prepared and adopted by the City of Chico in 2012, to meet its GHG reduction goal of 25% below 2005 emission levels by the end of 2020. That goal was met, and in 2019 the City of Chico set new GHG emissions reductions goals for 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. The Sacramento-based consulting firm Rincon Consultants has been awarded the contract to prepare the Climate Action Plan Update with these new GHG emissions reductions targets and began preparation in early 2020.

Click here for the Climate Action Plan 2020.

City of Chico General Plan

Below are the City of Chico’s General Plan 2030 Climate-related Goal, Policies & Actions:

  • Goal SUS-3: Leading the way to a sustainable Chico by reducing the environmental impacts of City operations
  • Policy SUS-3.2: Reduce energy and water use in municipal operations
  • Action SUS-3.2.1: Perform energy audits of existing City operations and maintenance practices every four years to identify and implement energy savings measures.
  • Action SUS-3.2.2: Continue to explore opportunities to generate energy on City properties.
  • Goal SUS-6: Reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions citywide
  • Policy SUS-6.1: Support local, regional, and statewide efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases linked to climate change.
  • Policy SUS-6.2: Maintain the Greenhouse Gas Inventory and implement the Climate Action Plan to make progress toward meeting the City’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal.
  • Action SUS-6.2.1: Use the Climate Action Plan to guide the City’s actions to meet the City’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal.
  • Action SUS-6.2.2: Update the Citywide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory at least every five years, and compare the results with previous inventories to evaluate progress towards the City’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal.
  • Action SUS-6.2.3: Review and revise as necessary the Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the City’s 2020 emission reduction goal, and revisit the need for new goals beyond 2020.